• Syllabus and WORDS


    HISTOIRE : Les Etats-Unis et le monde : l'hyperpuissance américaine et ses limites de 1991 à 2012

     The US and the world : American superpower and its limits (1991-2012) : foreign policy


     Unilateralism / Multilateralism

     Superpower / Hyperpower

     Hard Power / Soft Power / Smart Power

     Free trade and capitalism



     Enlargement (Clinton) / New World Ordrer





    HISTOIRE : La Palestine enjeu de conflits depuis 1947

     Palestine since 1947 : at the center of tensions

     On s'arrête au traitement chronologique autour de 2011 en évitant les sujets d'actualité

     Notions :

     Middle East





     Palestinian Authority


     Occupied Territories


     Status of Jerusalem



    GEOGRAPHIE : Etude de cas : un produit mondialisé

     A case study of a globalized product



     Global cities





     ICT (Information & Communication Technology)

     TNC (Transnational Company)

     FDI (Foreign Direct Investment)

     NIDL (New International Division of Labour)



     Emerging countries / markets / economies

     Developing countries

     Least Developed Countries






    What is the nature of the source ?
    a chart, a graph un graphique, une courbe
    a diagram un schéma
    a chart, a table un tableau (statistique)
    statistics des statistiques
    a figure un chiffre, une donnée chiffrée
    a survey une enquête, un sondage
    an age pyramid une pyramide des âges
    a flow-chart un organigramme
    a pie chart un diagramme circulaire
    a bar graph un diagramme en bâton
    a compound bar graph un histogramme
    a climate graph un diagramme ombro-thermique
    a map une carte
    a cartogram une carte en anamorphose
    the key la légende (/ carte)
    the scale l’échelle (idem)
    a world map,a planisphere une carte du monde, un planisphère
    a sketch un croquis, une esquisse
    symbols / drawings figurés
    graded shading / coloured areas figurés de surfaces
    lines, flow lines figurés linéaires
    dots figurés ponctuels
    a title un titre
    a headline un gros titre (presse)
    heading / subheading / subtitle titre / sous-titre (sur un doc.)
    a quotation une citation
    an advertisement / advert/ ad une publicité
    a poster une affiche
    a picture / a painting une peinture, un tableau

    a drawing un dessin
    a cartoon / a caricature un dessin humoristique / une caricature
    a speech balloon une bulle
    a caption sous-titre, légende (pour un dessin)
    a pun (on words) un jeu de mots
    a comic strip une B.D.
    a postcard une carte postale
    a leaflet un prospectus
    a banknote un billet de banque
    a biography une biographie
    a novel un roman
    a diary un journal
    a newspaper article un article de journal
    a magazine article un article de revue
    a play une pièce de théâtre
    a work of art une oeuvre d’art
    a photograph /photo une photographie
    a high angle shot / from above une photo en plongée
    a low angle shot une photo en contre-plongée
    a news photograph une photo d’actualité
    a celebrity picture une photo de célébrité

    Who is the author ? When was the source produced ? Is there a title ? What is the
    origin of the source?
    This is a painting / a text by …, written in …. It is called …
    This photograph is extracted / taken … from a newspaper / a film… entitled…
    The photographer / painter / cartoonist is called / named …

    Expressing consequence
    Niveau seconde :
    So, then, as a result, as a consequence, consequently
    that’s why, that is the reason why + Sujet +Verbe
    the reason why / the reason for
    with far-reaching consequences (aux conséquences énormes)
    it follows from this that
    which means (ce qui implique, signifie)
    Niveau première :
    thus, therefore, accordingly
    to result in … (avoir pour résultat, csq de …)
    hence (d’où …, de là …)
    to involve (impliquer)

    Expressing cause
    Niveau seconde :
    because, as, since
    for (car)
    because of
    to cause, to provoke
    Niveau première :
    due to, owing to, thanks to + GN
    all the more so as
    to bring about, to entail (causer, provoquer, entraîner)
    to trigger off (déclencher)

    Expressing possibility or condition
    Niveau seconde :

    to enable sb to do stg, to permit, to allow, to let
    supposing that
    Niveau première :
    provided/providing, as long as + noun + verb in case (au cas où) suppose/supposing
    (à supposer que) on condition that (à condition que) so long as / as long as (à
    condition que)

    Expressing comparison
    Niveau seconde :
    superiority, inferiority, equality : more … than ; less … than ; as… as…
    as much … as, as many … as
    By comparison, …
    In comparison with …
    Compared with …
    To compare, to draw a comparison, to make a comparison
    To contrast with …
    In contrast with …
    Different from …
    Some irregular forms :
    Good, better, the best
    Bad, worse, the worst

    Niveau première :
    Expressions such as : twice as much as, three times bigger than
    Fewer, less
    Discrepancy (désaccord, divergence, contradiction)
    Identical, similar

    Expressing aim, desire
    Niveau seconde :
    (In order) to # (in order) not to + BV
    so as to # so as not to + BV
    for + GN + (not) + to + BV
    so that + GN + may / might / could + BV
    to intend to BV
    to be determined to # to be reluctant to

    Niveau première :
    Aim : to aim at BV+ing
    to plan sthg / to BV

    Expressing desire or motivation
    I would like / love (sb) to +BV
    I feel like + ing
    I wish you’d + BV
    If only I / you + preterit modal
    I wish I / you + preterit modal
    I would appreciate if …
    She is looking forward to + ing
    I dream of + GN / +ing
    I hope to + BV
    I’m dying for + GN / to + BV

    Expressing advice
    Advice : Sujet + HAD BETTER + BV
    Advice : Sujet + SHOULD + (NOT) + BV
    what about / how about + BV-ing stg ? (pourquoi ne pas faire ceci ?)
    to advise sb (not) to BV stg
    to suggest (I suggest you work harder / you should work harder)

    Expressing agreement / disagreement
    Niveau seconde :
    to agree with # to disagree with
    questionable (contestable)
    it is wrong to say that / it is true to say that
    I don’t share her opinion
    He seems to miss the point
    To blame sb for BV + ing stg, to reproach sb with BV + ing stg, to accuse sb of BV +ing stg
    Niveau première :
    to take sides (with sb on/in a matter) (prendre parti avec qn sur une question)
    to raise objections (soulever des objections)
    to refute a claim (réfuter un argument)
    to approve of / to disapprove of / I strongly disapprove of his attitude
    Sujet + SHOULD + NOT + have + pp

    Expressing habit
    Niveau seconde :
    would + BV
    Niveau première :
    to be used to + BV - ing

    Expressing probability
    Niveau seconde :

    Using modal verbs (from high probability or certainty to low probability):
    Must/can (that must be true / it can’t be true); should; may / could; might
    Using other verbs :
    to be sure to
    Using adverbs:
    Perhaps, maybe, probably
    Surely, certainly, for sure
    Niveau première :
    to be likely to vs. to be unlikely (être probable # être improbable)
    to be bound to
    to ought to

    Expressing paradox, opposition or contrast
    Niveau seconde :
    in spite of + GN, despite + GN
    however, yet
    though ~ although + subject + verb (bien que)
    On the one hand …, on the other hand …
    On the contrary
    While, whereas (+ noun + verb)
    Niveau première :
    Still, yet (cependant, toutefois)
    Even though, even if (même si)
    Conversely (en revanche, réciproquement)
    In any case
    Unlike +GN, contrary to + GN, by contrast (contrairement à)

    Expressing quantity
    Niveau seconde :
    Some – a certain quantity
    A lot of – a large quantity
    Most – the major part
    Few – a small quantity
    Many – a large number of
    Several – more than a few
    most people / the (vast) majority of people
    ! little et much renvoient à des indénombrables ! few et many à ce que l’on peut
    compter !

    Expressing arguments (pros and cons)
    Niveau seconde :
    On the one hand …, on the other hand …
    First, … / First of all, … / First and foremost, …./ To begin with, …
    Secondly, … / Then, …
    Lastly, … / Finally, … / Eventually, …
    In addition to that, … / On top of that, …

    Summing up one’s ideas and concluding :
    To conclude, …/ To sum up …
    Giving one’s personal opinion : As far as I am concerned …
    According (to the author)
    Niveau première :
    Besides, … / Moreover, … / What is more, … / Furthermore, …
    All things considered … /All in all … / Finally … / On the whole … / In a word …
    Similarly, … / Likewise, …
    To my mind, …/ Personally … / In my opinion …
    To buttress an argument (étayer un argument)
    To question an argument (remettre en cause un argument)
    Unfounded ~ groundless (sans fondement)
    Convincing ~ forceful (concaincant, puissant, efficace)
    Misleading (trompeur, fallacieux)
    Debatable , questionable, arguable # undisputable, unquestionable (discutable #
    to weigh the pros and cons (peser le pour et le contre)

    Expressing conviction
    Niveau seconde :
    One thing is sure / certain
    It is clear / it is obvious that … (Il est certain, évident, que …)
    No doubt that …
    Beyond any doubt …(sans le moindre doute, en toute certitude, …)
    No wonder that … (pas surprenant que …)
    It is a fact that …
    Niveau première :
    Needless to say that …(Inutile de dire que …)
    It goes without saying that …(Cela va sans dire que …)
    There is no denying that / it is undeniable that … (Il est indéniable que …)
    The Prime minister’s arguments don’t carry much weight / are not very convincing

    Expressing obligation
    Niveau seconde :
    To have + infinitive complet
    To be obliged to / to be compelled to (être obligé de, être contraint à , être forcé à)
    To be necessary / to be imperative / essential / capital
    Niveau première :
    To be + infinitive complet (you are to work tomorrow – tu dois travailler demain)
    You’re supposed to … (tu es censé …)

    Expressing coercion / pressure
    Niveau seconde :
    To order, to request, to command, to ask (ordonner, demander, commander)
    to expect sthg from sb, to invite, to want (attendre qch de qn, inviter, demander)
    to forbid + proposition infinitive (interdire)
    To have + infinitif (devoir, être dans l’obligation de)

    (attention : “to be + infinitif” signifie devoir, au sens d’avoir prévu de faire qch, d’avoir

    Expressing uncertainty
    Niveau seconde :
    It would seem that …
    The figure might / may …
    This could explain …
    It is difficult to believe that …
    One might justifiably suppose that …
    This argument leads one to believe that …
    One may suppose that …
    Niveau première :
    It remains to be seen whether …
    The least one can say is that …

    Expressing permission / prohibition
    Niveau seconde :
    You can
    It is all right if … it is OK if …
    To be allowed to / be permitted to / be entitled to / have a right to (+verb)
    to be forbidden to (+verb)
    She allowed me to … / she let me …
    Niveau première :
    To be prohibited to / To ban sb from doing sthg
    Do you mind if … ? (cela vous ennuie si … ?)
    To be to… Germany was to limit its armament after WWI
    You may smoke on the premises
    To grant sb the right to do sthg


    Expressing a period
    • In the 19th century / in the early / late 19th century : Au 19ème / au début du / à la fin du
    19ème siècle.
    • Early in the century : au début du siècle
    • At the end of the millenium : à la fin du millénaire
    • In the 1930s : Dans les années 30
    • During the 20s : Pendant les années 20.
    • From the 20s to the 40s : des années 20 aux années 40
    • Towards the beginning/ the end of : vers le début/ la fin
    • In the middle of the century : au milieu du siècle.
    • The war lasted for 6 years : la guerre a duré 6 ans.
    • Since the beginning of the civil war: depuis le début de la guerre civile.
    • Until the arrival of the Romans : avant l’arrivée des Romains.

    Expressing a date
    • Around/About 1910/circa (ca.) 1910 : vers 1910
    • By 1914, the French and the British had come together
    • In 1914, the war began

    How to state a point of view
    Expressing an opinion (one’s opinion or the opinion of an author)
    In my view…
    In my opinion…
    As for me…
    I share the opinion that…
    Personally, I would tend to think that…
    I would like to state that…
    What we have to realize is…
    I’m convinced that…
    In other words…
    The author claims that… / makes the
    assertion that…
    The author’s thesis is that …
    I agree/disagree with…
    I admit that…
    I object to…
    I think this is true/absurd…
    I think it is
    According to…
    As far as I know,
    It is obvious that…
    The author points out that …
    emphasizes / pinpoints / highlights /
    stresses …

    Different kinds of maps :
    A globe : un globe
    A world map / planisphere/ an atlas map: un planisphère
    A physical map : une carte physique
    An Ordnance Survey map (OS map – Britain’s national mapping agency) : une carte
    « d’état-major » (l’équivalent français serait une carte IGN, et l’équivalent aux Etats-Unis
    le programme National Map de l’USGS – US Geological Survey, qui édite des cartes
    topographiques) = a topographic or location map
    A cartogram / an anamorphosis map: carte par anamorphose : shapes, distance and size
    are distorted according to the phenomenon the map shows
    A sketch map : un croquis
    A dot map : une carte de répartition par points ≠ A shade map
    A flow map : une carte des flux
    A blank map : un fond de carte
    A historical map/ political map/ geographical map/ topographic map /thematic map…

    Describe the map
    Some useful expressions to locate elements on the map
    The location: la localisation
    The situation/ the site
    North/East/West/South of…
    In the north-east/ in the center of…/ In the northern part of…
    Northward/ Southward…: vers le Nord, le Sud…
    Outside Africa; Large part of America…
    Near Hiroshima, next to Tokyo…
    Along the coastline: le long de la côte / off the shore : au large des côtes
    By the sea : au bord de la mer
    Littoralisation/coastal attraction : maritimisation (des activités humaines)
    A seabord : une façade maritime - a coastal interface : une interface maritime
    A waterfront site : un site en front de mer

    Some useful expressions to describe some phenomena
    The map shows…
    On a local/ national/ regional / global scale, we can see
    On the continent/ On the island/ On the coast / Off the coast
    Inland : à l’intérieur des terres
    We learn that this land/region/country is inhabited by / populated by
    Population distribution : répartition de la population
    The arrows show that major/ minor flows come and go from…to…
    A hub: un pôle
    A spoke: un axe
    A cluster: un ensemble, un rassemblement
    A population cluster : un foyer de peuplement
    A major population area / a secondary population area : un foyer de peuplement
    principal / secondaire
    A ring: un cercle
    Borders/ Boundaries/frontiers

    The key (la légende)
    Maps use special signs or symbol to represent location and to give information
    Areas / graded shading
    Coloured area : plage de couleur
    Striped area : zone hachurée
    Dotted area: zone en pointillés
    Flow line : flux
    Arrow: flèche
    Dotted line: ligne en pointillés / a broken line / a solid line / a curve
    Contour lines: courbe de niveau
    Boundary line : limite, frontière…
    Drawings or symbols (figurés)
    Hachure / hatching : hachure
    Stripe: rayure
    To be organized into a hierarchy: être hiérarchisé
    A graded shading / colour gradiation: Un dégradé, un gradient de couleurs
    Proportional drawings : dessins (représentations) proportionnels
    To be proportional to.. : être proportionnel à…












































    Frequently made mistakes

    - L’article défini ne peut pas s’ajouter à un nom déjà défini; ainsi, on dira : Prime Minister Tony Blair, Source 2, King George V, President Roosevelt, …
    -  L’usage des prépositions et des verbes prépositionnels est à apprendre pour éviter des fautes lourdes. Ainsi, on veillera à dire : the reason for …, to be responsible for …,
    to depend on …
    -  Pour traduire « toujours »/ « encore » : always renvoie à quelque chose de constant, still à quelque chose qui dure encore, again à quelque chose qui se répète
    - Les adjectifs de nationalité prennent une majuscule : the English population, the Japanese army, …
    -  Les adjectifs numéraux, comme tous les adjectifs, ne portent pas la marque du pluriel : 5 million people were demonstrating
    - L’historien français parle de documents; l’anglais de « sources »
    - Un texte ne « parle » pas : it deals with…, it is about…, the main topic of the text is …
    -  Revoyez avec votre professeur d’anglais la construction des propositions infinitives : Hitler wanted Great Britain to surrender; Churchill wanted the British people not to
    lose hope
    - Attention à la concordance des temps dans un énoncé d’histoire. Mind the sequence of tenses ! A history text generally requires the use of the preterit, and if necessary
    other tenses for the subordinates clauses.
    - Exprimer une date :
    In 1914, World War one started.
    In March 1933, President Roosevelt launched the New Deal.
    On 6 August 1945, the USA dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima (Japan).


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